Books About Mice


Childrens book list about mice.  Picture book choices for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary mouse lovers.  Reviews of each book!

I have a little mouse lover.  My 3-year-old daughter Maggie loves mice because they are "wee" and she squeals with glee every time she sees one in a book.  We've accumulated quite the collection of mouse toys, books, and clothes in our house!  Just in case you have a little mouse lover too, I've rounded up a collection of some of our favorite Books About Mice for you.

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Library Mouse, part of children's book review list about mice

Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk

Library Mouse is SUCH a fantastic book to encourage reading and writing in young children.  Sam lives in a library where he spends his nights soaking up words, stories, and books.  He eventually decides to write his own book.  It is a success, so several others follow.  Sam then shows other children that they, too, can write their own stories.  I love the positive way this book portrays reading and writing.  Sometimes children receive those messages better through characters in books than through their own parents and teachers!

Library Mouse: World To Explore, part of children's book review list about mice

Library Mouse: A World To Explore by Daniel Kirk

Sam is back, and this time meets a friend that he goes exploring with.  Together they travel the world through library displays and adventure books.  Once again, this book encourages children to read and helps them understand how far books can take us!  The illustrations in "Library Mouse" books are so bright and cheerful, your children will love them!

Lilly's Big Day, part of children's book review list about mice

 Lilly's Big Day by Kevin Henkes

Kevin Henkes' books explore so many of children's complex emotions!  In Lilly's Big Day, Lilly deals with excitement, disappointment, compromise, and eventual triumph.  The illustrations show so much nuanced emotion.  Lilly is a character that you and your children will just adore, and you can read more of her antics in several other stories.

Mouse Paint, part of children's book review list about mice

 Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Mouse Paint should be on every child's reading list!  Three little white mice discover three pots of paint- red, yellow, and blue.  as they dance in puddle of paint they discover color mixing.  This story is a cute way to introduce children to color theory, and there's a wee little joke at the end that your children will love, too!

Mouse Count, part of children's book review list about mice

 Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Just like Mouse Paint, every child should get to enjoy Mouse Count!  Walsh's simple illustrations are so appealing to young children.  In this story, a sneaky little snake is involved, too.  Maggie was holding her breath in anticipation to make sure that the little mice in the story were okay!  Use this book to help with counting practice, too, from 1 to 10 and back down again.

Town Mouse, Country Mouse, part of children's book review list about mice

Town Mouse, Country Mouse by Jan Brett

Jan Brett puts her own twist on this classic story.  The appeal of Brett's work is her lush illustrations, and these do not disappoint.  There is just SO much detail to look at!  There are beautifully drawn animals and plants in the country scenes, along with fancy trimmings and clothes in the town scenes.  And of course, children can always use a little lesson- there's no place like home!

Alexander And The Wind Up Mouse, part of children's book review list about mice

 Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse by Leo Lionni

Everything written and illustrated by Leo Lionni is beautiful and poignant and just perfect.  Alexander And The Wind-Up Mouse is a sweet story of friendship and wanting what others have.  I love stories that sneak in little lessons without children even realizing it!

Penny And Her Marble, part of children's book review list about mice

 Penny And Her Marble by Kevin Henkes

Penny And Her Marble is a perfect story for young children!  Penny takes a marble that she finds on her neighbor's lawn.  She begins to feel guilty, wondering if perhaps the marble belonged to someone else.  Penny then does the right thing and returns the marble to her neighbor's house and ends up receiving permission to keep the marble for herself.  I loved the little lesson, told in a gentle and easy-to-understand way.  As always, Kevin Henkes illustrations are crisp, cheerful, and sweet!  Penny is also featured in the books Penny And Her Song and Penny And Her Doll.

Mouse Soup, part of children's book review list about mice

 Mouse Soup by Arnold Lobel

This is a classic!  Mouse Soup has 4 stories within an overarching frame.  They're all incredibly cute and clever, and tie together so neatly!  Mouse Soup is a great easy-reader, although there are some words that I thought would be too tricky for that designation.  We love everything by Arnold Lobel!

Mouse's First Snow, part of children's book review list about mice

 Mouse's First Snow by Lauren Thompson

Little Mouse and Poppa explore winter together, ice skating, sledding, making snow angels, and more.  This book would be a great introduction to winter for toddlers, especially those who may live in areas that don't receive much snow.  The illustrations are soft, sweet, and charming.  Maggie especially loved the little snowmouse that Mouse and Poppa build together!

The Mouse Mansion, part of children's book review list about mice

The Mouse Mansion by Karina  Schaapman

The Mouse Mansion is our new favorite book!  Karina Schaapman created a miniature world for tiny little mice our of paper mache.  The book is a cute story that goes along with photos of the mouse mansion.  There are so many details that Maggie and I spend ages pouring over the pages!  We find something new each time, and it is just so darn cute.


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What Can We Do With Paper And Glue: Books About Mice
Books About Mice
Childrens book list about mice. Picture book choices for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary mouse lovers. Reviews of each book!
What Can We Do With Paper And Glue
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